We prefer to design light and memorable

Waiting for new, fun riding? ASTROL RS-16 is here.


ASTORL bike is on AMAZON. Spring is coming soon. We need to prepare for our little ones some activities after lazy winter. Get an ASTROL bike on AMAZON and go out for a ride.
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years of

ASTROL RS-16 is perfect for kids who is 8 years old and above. They finished their push bike and start to other two wheel sport. Normal bike is too easy for them, but motorcycle is too fast. ASTROL bike is the perfect bike for kids. ASTORL bike has slow start setting for kids, to give them a safety ride. For those kids didn’t experienced any motorbike, ASTROL bike is the best one to get started.
ASTROL bike use brushless motor for its power. Brushless motor has many advantages, such as safety, compact and power saving. Brushless motor will not produce sparks during operation. So when kids rides ASTROL bike, we don’t need to worry whether if the bike will over heat. Also, ASTORL’s brushless motor is more powerful and smaller than others, which gives this bike longer ride time and power saving.
We always worry about kids get hurt. But sometimes when we let go, they’ll find out their way to go. Don’t limit their imaginations, their independent. When I see the little one ride his/her own ASTROL bike besides us, I'm so proud for them.


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